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As members of the Missionary Institute of the Most Holy Trinity (BTMI), we live within the world and aspire to perfect ourselves in charity and love of God.  By our Consecration we dedicate our lives to God by the profession of the three evangelical counsels: chastity, poverty and obedience. This way of life was recognized by Pope Pius XII through the Apostolic Constitution called "Provida Mater Ecclesia"; in 1947 and ratified at the Second Vatican Council in 1962.


Members of the BTMI are consecrated lay persons, living our apostolic life in  the world.  We  work in various jobs, live in our own homes and concentrate our  ministries in where God has placed us.  Our apostolic works are among those whom we have contact with "in the providence of our  daily lives. It may be with young people, with the sick with the elderly, with entire families, many poor in spirit and material goods etc., serving as witness of the Love of God. 


Our Rule
of Life

We follow a Rule of Life, attend the Eucharistic Celebration daily, pray, and reflect and meditate on spiritual readings. Members meet in regional cenacles for spiritual and communal development


We attend retreats of each of the branches of the Missionary Cenacle Family to build community and support one another in our mission and programs. 

Our Dress

Our dress responds to the work we have chosen, whether as teachers, psychologists, nurses, etc. The important thing that our way of dressing is prudent, discreet and simple, according to our consecration. We focus on our mission, the preservation of the faith, among the poor and abandoned in the day-to-day providence that God gives us.


We meet monthly  to renew our spirituality, charism and to support one another. We live fraternally without living in community, reflecting an example of communion.

We are evangelical leaven for the world by radically living our faith, committed to society and evangelization. We share our founding charism and spirituality with the other branches of the Missionary Cenacle Family, as well as traditions, devotions and parts of our Rule of Life.

Holding Hands


©2023 por BTMI.

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