BTMI Puerto Rico

The origins of the Blessed Trinity Missionary Institute (BTMI) on the island date back to the 1960s. In 1966, Dr. Margaret Healy, our founder, visited the Island for a retreat with our members, accompanied by Father Steven Quinn, ST, who served as the spiritual director of the BTMI at that time. Some original members are Sapho Rodriguez, Alicia Hernandez, Alejita Firpi, and Rosa Julia Kilgore. In 1967, Sapho Rodríguez was chosen to attend the First Congress of the Laity in Rome as a delegate of the Diocese of Ponce.

For the glory of God, in 2004 the Cenacle Providence of God was formed. This Cenacle began with 3 members (1 consecrated and 2 in formation). This new BTMI group was formed by Maria del R. Sanchez (Sary), Teresa Orozco, and Astrid E. Acevedo. They met monthly at the Cenacle of the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity in Mayagüez, P.R. under the direction of Sr. Lourdes Teresa Toro and Sr. Margarita Rivera, MSBT, who served as their spiritual directors. They studied and reflected upon the Rule of Life and the Constitution of the Institute, the writings of its founders Fr. Thomas Augustine Judge and Dr. Margaret Healy, and the documents of the Church as a basic part of their formation.

In January 2005, Rosa Tirado, representing Margaret Hayes, General Custodian of the Institute, visited our Cenacle.
She shared the enthusiasm of the BTMI with our group that had been formed on the Island. She also shared her hopes for the future of the BTMI.
Later that year, Rosa Tirado was elected General Custodian of the BTMI.

In March 2006, our Cenacle participated in a Profession of Vows Retreat at the The Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity (MSBT) Mother House in Philadelphia. This was the first time that our Cenacle was united with all members of the BTMI.
In February 2008, we attended our First General Meeting, also at the Mother House. All three Regions of the BTMI, the Northeast and South of the U.S. and Puerto Rico were present. That same year our General Custodian, Rosa Tirado, appointed María del R. Sánchez as Local Custodian and Sapho Rodríguez as Spiritual Guide of the Cenacle Providence of God.

We participated in the Centennial Assembly in Philadelphia from April 16-19, 2009. It was a wonderful experience filled with the Holy Spirit in which a spirit of family and unity was experienced throughout the weekend. We discussed and reflected on our future vision of the Missionary Cenacle Family as we celebrated one hundred years of its founding.
Our stay at the Assembly culminated with a trip to Holy Trinity, Alabama, where we reflected upon our roots. During the Eucharist, a Time Capsule was buried in which we left messages of our experience and each MCF Branch left objects of importance. This capsule will be buried for 50 years and opened in 2059. We ended that great day with dinner in the Parish Hall of St. Joseph´s Church.
Another very important date for us was June 19-21, 2009, when Sapho Rodríguez, Sary Sánchez, Teresa Orozco, and Sarai Meléndez attended the First General Chapter of the BTMI at the MSBT Mother House in Philadelphia. Together with our General Custodian, Rosa Tirado, our facilitator, Sr. Brenda Hermann, MSBT, Fr. Domingo Rodríguez, ST, Sr. Agnes Mary Nagle, MSBT, and members of the BTMI community, we talked and reflected on our reality as a group and on our priorities and goals for the future.